Thelist of critical access hospitals in US(CAHs) and their contact details are all that you want to strategize your marketing campaign, right?

As CAHs hospitals are the ones who provide care to the patients who live in rural areas, it is vital to do in depth study about the number of these hospitals, their challenges, and their contact details to reach out to them.

As these hospitals are situated in rural areas, they might be facing certain issues like shortage of healthcare professionals, lack of enough modern technological medical instruments, lack of specific pharmaceuticals, and so on.

Knowing about these, as a marketer you can extend a helping hand to provide all the resources that help patients in rural areas get satisfactory care.

But to provide this, you must be aware about thenumber of critical access hospitals in the USand their contact details.

So, to help you out, we are going to discusshow many critical access hospitals in the us, how you can reach out to them and how to strategize your marketing strategy.

List of Critical Access Hospitals By State

As per the rural health info, there are1,361CAHs nationwide, accounting for about 2% of all hospitals in the United States. Lets see here thelist of critical access hospital by state.

List of Critical Access Hospital by State Number of Critical Care Hospitals in the US
Critical Access Hospitals in California 34
Critical Access Hospitals in New York 19
Critical Access Hospitals in Wisconsin 59
Critical Access Hospitals in North Carolina 24
Critical Access Hospitals in Arizona 17
Critical Access Hospitals in Arkansas 29
Critical Access Hospitals in Kansas 87
Critical Access Hospitals in Maine 16
Critical Access Hospitals in Indiana 35
Critical Access Hospitals in Louisiana 27
Critical Access Hospitals in Ohio 34
Critical Access Hospital in Oregon 25
Critical Access Hospitals in Illinois 51
Critical Access Hospitals in New Hampshire 13
Critical Access Hospitals in Nebraska 65
Critical Access Hospitals in Minnesota 79
Critical Access Hospitals in Oklahoma 39
Critical Access Hospitals in Kentucky 31
Critical Access Hospitals in Colorado 32
Critical Access Hospitals in Michigan 38
Critical Access Hospitals in Alabama 6
Critical Access Hospitals in North Dakota 37
Critical Access Hospitals in Georgia 35
Critical Access Hospitals in Texas 88
Critical Access Hospitals in Nevada 14
Critical Access Hospitals in Mississippi 36
Critical Access Hospitals in Montana 49
Critical Access Hospitals in Virginia 8

Now, as you know the total number of critical access hospitals in the US and list of critical access hospitals by state wise, you can strategize your marketing campaign.

These hospitals are different from other commercial healthcare centers, and that’s why you have to change your approach while you market these hospitals.

Let’s see how you should market your product toCMS list of critical access hospitals.

How to market to critical access hospitals

Marketing to list of critical access hospitals in the US requires a strategic approach that focuses on their unique needs and challenges. Here are six key steps to effectively market your products or services to these facilities:

1. Understand their pain points

Number of critical access hospitals in the USoften face resource limitations, staffing challenges, and financial constraints.

By understanding these pain points, you can tailor your marketing message to address how your offering can help alleviate these issues.

2. Research target markets

Thoroughly research the critical access hospital landscape in specific regions or states where you want to focus your efforts. Identify trends, demographics, and specific needs of each target market so that you can customize your marketing strategies accordingly.

3. Develop strong relationships with decision-makers

Build personal connections with key decision-makers within critical access hospitals such as administrators, physicians, and department heads.

Attend relevant conferences or events where they gather and engage them through networking opportunities and informative presentations.

4. Leverage digital platforms strategically

Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter provide excellent opportunities for engaging this niche audience online.

Share valuable content related to healthcare trends, regulatory updates, cost-saving measures etc., positioning yourself as an industry thought leader while subtly promoting your product/service offerings.

5. Offer Tailored Solutions

Craft customized packages or solutions specifically designed for critical access hospitals’ size constraints and budget limitations.

Highlight affordability aspects while showcasing comprehensive features that cater precisely to their unique requirements.

6 . Leverage Testimonials & case studies

Positive feedback from existing customers plays a crucial role in building trust among potential clients in the healthcare industry; therefore it is advisable to showcase success stories through testimonials or case studies from satisfied critical access hospital customers who have benefited from using your product/service.

By following these steps intelligently ,you will be able improve brand awareness among critical access hospitals whilst establishing credibility as a trusted partner capable of addressing their distinct needs effectively.


How to get Contact Details of CAHs

Getting the contact information of list of critical access hospitals in US can be a crucial step in accessing healthcare services or collaborating with them. Here are some creative and concise ways to obtain their contact details:

1. Online Directories

Utilize comprehensive online directories specifically designed for healthcare institutions, such as the American Hospital Directory or Health grades.

These platforms provide search filters where you can specify your location and hospital type to find critical access hospitals near you, along with their contact information.

2. State Department of Health Websites

Visit your state’s department of health website, as they often maintain databases that include detailed information about all healthcare facilities within their jurisdiction.

Look for sections dedicated to hospital listings or directories, which usually contain phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses.

3. Professional Networks

Tap into professional networks like LinkedIn or specialized medical forums where professionals from the healthcare sector gather.

Connect with doctors, nurses, administrators, or other individuals working in list of critical access hospitals by state who may willingly share relevant contact details if approached politely.

4. Local Healthcare Associations

联系当地协会关注的章节rural health or small community hospitals such as National Rural Health Association (NRHA) or Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub).

They might have resources available exclusively for members that include up-to-date lists of critical access hospitals along with their respective contacts.

5. Community Outreach Programs

Many critical access hospitals actively engage in community outreach programs aimed at improving public health awareness and education initiatives.

参加这些活动,与staf直接连接f members present there; they will likely be willing to provide you with appropriate contact information upon request.

6.Healthcare Data Provider

Healthcare data providers like Ampliz avail you the contact details of CAHs on your fingertips. This is the most easiest yet effective way to avail the contact information of the CAHs.

Ampliz consists of accurate, real-time updated and compliant data of1,397 CAHs.

This dataset gives you the phone number of the hospital, phone number and email address of key decision makers.

Apart from this, it also gives you other details like address, number of physicians and other executives work there, financial details, and etc.



Critical access hospitals provide an essential service to rural communities and should be supported by marketers.

By understanding the unique challenges they face, marketers can develop effective outreach campaigns that target rural audiences and support critical access hospitals in their mission to improve healthcare access for all.

我们希望本指南给你个赌ter understanding of what critical access hospitals are and how your business or organization can help them succeed.

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